“质量”的概念在医疗保健领域并不新鲜, but it is vitally important and something we strive to achieve every single day. 监管机构和项目,如 医疗补助和医疗保险服务中心, 医疗保险星级评级, 华盛顿州卫生部, 联合委员会(TJC) and others have monitored and surveyed healthcare quality activities with the goal of continually improving the reliability and safety of care provided.
在过去十年中, focus on quality has been sharpened by the call to accountability through TJC's Agenda for Change, 医学研究所关于医疗事故的报告, 国家质量论坛认可的安全做法, 医疗保健购买者对价值的需求, 以及我们所服务的公众对我们的理解日益加深. Performance measures for healthcare have also expanded to include outcome measures such as patient satisfaction and cost as well as key clinical measures.
It is no surprise that the public's demand for quality in healthcare services (that which is safe, 有效的, 以病人为中心, 及时的, 非常高效。, 和公平)匹配我们的 使命、愿景和价值观. 在十大正规网赌软件, 我们正在努力提高临床水平, 通过收集服务和财务结果, trending and responding to performance measures and implementing/refining evidence-based practices. 项目包括:
在十大正规网赌软件, safety is a core value and providing quality care allows us to deliver the best possible outcomes and customer service for our community. Like our mission statement declares, we are committed to "caring for our community like family.“我们非常重视这一挑战.
我们视你为医院护理的合作伙伴. 当你消息灵通的时候, participate in treatment decisions and communicate openly with your doctor and other health professionals, 你帮助使你的护理尽可能有效. 十大正规网赌软件 encourages respect for the personal preferences and values of each individual. It is our goal to assure that your rights as a patient are observed.
You have the right to make your own healthcare decisions. 然而, it is wise to prepare for situations when you may not be able to communicate your wishes—such as when you are rendered unconscious during surgery or following an unexpected accident. Recommended preparations include completing a Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare and a Health Care Directive (a.k.a. 生活将). 了解更多
2008年3月, 华盛顿州批准了第1000号倡议, 也被称为尊严死亡法案. 十大正规网赌软件 respects the right of 病人 to make choices, while also recognizing the right of healthcare providers to participate in activities specific to I-1000. 了解更多
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